upcoming auction
3-26-2023 Antique and collectable auction
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES AUCTION Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt, IA SUNDAY MARCH 26, 2023 at Noon Lunch: Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch Pictures * books of all kinds * small advertising * enamelware * costume jewelry * kitchen primitives * linens * lamps * glassware of all kinds * variety of…
TRAIN & WOODWORKING TOOL AUCTION Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt, IA SUNDAY MARCH 12, 2023, at Noon Lunch: Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch AUCTION NOTE: Train items sell first then selling woodworking tools and supply. TRAIN: 10 Lionel O/O27 Gauge train sets * 20+ O gauge cars by Lionel and others…
HOUSE, GARAGE & SHED AUCTION Located at 310 s. Main Street, Kanawha, IA WEDNESDAY MARCH 15, 2023 – 5PM View PDF
Read More2-19-23
FIREARMS, FISHING, and SPOTING GOODS AUCTION Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa Sunday, February 19th, 2023, at Noon Storm date: Saturday February 25th, announcements on Facebook page Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch LONG GUNS: Remington 514, 22 SLLR * Remington 1100 Magnum, 12 Ga. * Remington 870 Wingmaster, 12 ga *…
Read More2-5-23
TOY TRACTOR and TRUCK AUCTION Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa Sunday, February 5th, 2023, at Noon Storm date: Saturday February 11th, announcements on Facebook page Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch ARCADE CAST IRON: Most all are orig. paint w/ few repaints: Thresher, NIB * 2 Farmall Cultivision A * Allis…
Read More1-22-23
ESTATE and MOVING HOUSEHOLD AUCTION Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa Sunday, January 22nd, 2023, at Noon Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch Oak Bedroom Set: oak queen size bed frame, Armoire, dresser w/ mirror, Chest, nightstand, all match made by Wolfcraft Furniture in Wisc. * Separate: Queen size power recline boxspring,…
Read More1-1-23
ESTATE TOY TRAIN and TRAIN ACCESSORIES AUCTION Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa Sunday, January 1st, 2023, at Noon Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch Open House Viewing Viewing will be Saturday, December 31st, from 4pm to 6pm in the evening. For weather related announcements follow us on Facebook page. 1950s and…
Read MoreTractors, Cushmans, Gas Engines and Tool Auction
Tractors, Cushmans, Gas Engines & Tool Auction Located at 1875 200th St., Clarion • From Clarion – 2 miles north on Madison Ave. to 200th st., then 2½ miles west. From Holmes 1½ miles north on R33 and 1½ miles east on 200th St. Saturday, July 25th, 2020 at 10:30 A.M. Lunch by Schmidt’s BBQ…
Read MoreCamper & Estate Household Auction
Camper & Estate Household Auction Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa Sunday, July 19th, 2020 at 12:00 P.M. CAMPER TO SELL AT 1:00p.m: 2009 Dutchmen bumper hitch RV trailer, 26’, 1 slide out, Awning, elec. jack, self contained unit, Always stored inside COLLECTIBLES: 6 violins * old canning jars * 2…
Read MoreTractor, Tool & Supply Auction
Tractor, Tool & Supply Auction Located just west of W&H Coop Office, 15th Street North, Humboldt, IA Wednesday, July 15th, 2020 at 4:45 P.M. TRACTOR: MF 202 industrial tractor w/MF loader, SN JGM307343, Continental 4 cyl. engine w/3 sp. Hi-Lo trans., good 14.9×24 tires, 3pt., not many hours on OH. Tools: Continental HD floor model…
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