Tractor, Tool & Supply Auction
Located just west of W&H Coop Office, 15th Street North, Humboldt, IA
Wednesday, July 15th, 2020 at 4:45 P.M.
TRACTOR: MF 202 industrial tractor w/MF loader, SN JGM307343, Continental 4 cyl. engine w/3 sp. Hi-Lo trans., good 14.9x24 tires, 3pt., not many hours on OH.
Tools: Continental HD floor model drill press, 5/8th keyless chuck * Carolina Tool and Equip, HD9 band saw * Century AC/DC 230/140 amp stick welder * transmission jack * Gray Mills parts washer * small set scaffolding * roller dollies * large engine stand * 2 shop presses * 2 port a power sets * Snap-on roller tool chest with top cabinet * 2700 watt generator * 2 bench grinders * Jack stands * hand tools of all kinds * ¾” drive tools * 1” sliding T * chain hoist * chain * 2 ton floor jack * pullers of all sizes * small table saw * air cond. tools * armature grinder * growler * supply cabinet * 2 torque wrenches * precision tools * Lots of steel shelving * old GM diagnostic Tune Up tool * new oil * 220V window air conditioner * small combination safe * weed eaters * barrel pump * LOTS OF SCRAP IRON * MF snowblower, Snapper mower, 2 kerosene heaters all for parts.
Ralph Kocher, Owner
Ralph has been repairing since 1956 and has decided to sell his tools.
Auctioneers: David Hundertmark 515-890-0380 Tom Hundertmark 515-890-0615
Clerks: Hundertmark Auction Service
Terms: Cash or good check day of sale. Not responsible for accidents or theft.
No property removed until settled for. BE Responsible for Covid 19 precautions.