Posts by hundertmarkauction
Household and Collectible Auction
Household and Collectible Auction Located At Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa Sunday, July 30th, 2023, at Noon Lunch by Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch COLLECTIBLES: Golf bag from George Bicknell * presidential buttons * duck pictures * stoneware * Humboldt Creamery pail * Ottosen Coop picture * 2 Humboldt Coca Cola pop…
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BOBCAT TOOLCAT, POLARIS, and HOUSEHOLD ESTATE AUCTION Located At Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa Sunday, July 16th, 2023, at Noon Lunch by Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch Selling at 1:00 2010 Bobcat ToolCat, All Wheel Steer, Cab w/ heat and air, High Flo Hydraulics, 4×4, Diesel, 66” detach bucket, Hyd. dump box, …
Read MoreGas Engine, Collectible Auction
Gas Engine, Collectible Auction Located At Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa Saturday, July 22nd, 2023, at 10 AM Live and 11 AM on Check for Individual Gas Engine Photos Open house viewing of all auction items will be Friday, July 21, from 3 to 7 PM Lunch by Dad’s Best…
Read MoreMotorhome, Household, and Collectible Estate Auction
Motorhome, Household, and Collectible Estate Auction Located At Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa Sunday, July 9th, 2023, at Noon Lunch by Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch MOTORHOME sells at 1:00: 2000 Coachmen Leprechaun, E450 Ford V10 Triton gas, 30K miles, 31’, awning, full kitchen and bath, sleeps 6, fully contained, stored inside,…
Read MoreFirearms and Outdoorman Auction
Firearms and Outdoorman Auction Located At Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa Sunday, June 25th, 2023, at Noon Lunch by Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch OPEN HOUSE for Viewing is Saturday from 3PM to 5PM LONG GUNS: AR50A1, BMG .50 cal Browning Ball, Cabela’s Scope 5-35x 56 * CMMG Banshee 300…
Read MoreEstate Farm Auction
Estate Farm Auction 2 locations: 1006 160th Ave., Livermore, IA AND 1/2 Mile West of St. Joe, IA on Blacktop Saturday, June 17th, 2023 at 9:30AM ESTATE FARM AUCTION 2 LOCATIONS: Located at 1006 160th Ave., Livermore, Iowa AND ½ mile West of ST. Joe, IA on blacktop. More details on web. Sat., June…
Read MoreMoving and Household Auction
Moving Household and Estate Auction Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt, IA Sunday, June 11th, 2023 at Noon MOVING HOUSEHOLD and ESTATE AUCTION Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa Sunday, June 11th, 2023, at Noon Lunch by Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD: Sealy Posturepedic Queen bedroom…
Read MoreEstate Vehicle, Household, and Tool Auction
Estate Vehicle, Household, And Tool Auction Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt, IA Sunday, April 16, 2023, at Noon ESTATE VEHICLE, HOUSEHOLD, AND TOOL AUCTION Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch HOUSEHOLD: 5 piece Queen Bedroom set, Queen bed, chest, dresser, 2 night stands, nice set * Dinette table w/ 4 roller chairs,…
Read More4-7-2023 annual spring machinery consignment auction
Annual Spring Machinery Consignment Auction Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt, IA Friday, April 7th, 2023 at 9:30 A.M. Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch TREES and MOWERS sell at 12:00 100+ Trees: Black Hills, Norway, Techney Arborvitae, and other trees JD 212, deck, runs * JD 185 hydro, 48” deck, snowblower, runs…
Read More3-26-2023 Antique and collectable auction
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES AUCTION Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt, IA SUNDAY MARCH 26, 2023 at Noon Lunch: Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch Pictures * books of all kinds * small advertising * enamelware * costume jewelry * kitchen primitives * linens * lamps * glassware of all kinds * variety of…
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