Tool and Foundry Auction
Robert "Bob" Campbell, Owner
Located at 1409 285th St. Eagle Grove, IA, or 1 mile south on Hwy 17 and 1/2 mile east on 285th
Saturday, May 18th 2024 at 10 AM
SKIDLOADER, FORKLIFT: Bobcat 463 skidloader, 36” bucket, Kubota Diesel engine, 1 outlet, only 489 hrs.! * Yale Forklift, Chrysler gas engine, pneumatic tires, 3 stage mast, *reserved for use after auction for loading*
LARGE TOOLS: Powermatic/Burke Vertical Milling machine, 8”x 40”, digital read, power fed, model MVN * Enterprise NA-6 Lathe, 8”x48” bed, 3 and 4 jaw chucks * Cincinnati 24” flat belt drill press * Snap On Plasma Cutter, YA2001A * Craftsman Commercial metal lathe, 6”x 3’, 3 phase * bandsaw blade welder * Alkota 5182 power washer w/ hose reel * Quincy upright air compressor * Heavy Duty Kalamazoo band saw * Pexto, Wilcox 72” shear table model 14-U-6C *
TOOLS: Welding table * Lincoln 250 welder * 2 floor model drill presses * 2 table top drill presses * Snap On roller tool box * Clinton elec. 2 ton punch press * sand blast cabinet * Craftsman 24” scroll saw * hyd. press, detachable power unit * hyd. metal bender * homemade power inverter, 5hp, 3 ph * Air Products MIG 250 S welder, argon, CO2 tanks * 2 Acetylene torches * Craftsman Machinist box * circular saw blade sharpener * Blackhawk 10” bench grinder * Wilton Vise * Craftsman belt/disc sander * battery chargers * porta power * slide hammer * Argon and oxygen tanks * tin smithing tools * double paint shaker * small sand blaster * Craftsman radial arm saw * hand punch press * Famco #2 arbor press * many lathe accessories * 6 micrometer set * elec. hand shear * air reel * Bostitch floor stapler * air tools * rigid pipe threader and cutter * FJT 5 ton floor jack * new V belt collection * set of school lockers * 2 house moving jacks * 1 ton elec. chain hoist *
TOOLS AND SUPPLY: Large drill bit selection in cabinet * many new small drill bit cabinets * cabinets of Select-a-spring, full of springs * Morris Taper Drill bit selection up to 1 3/16 and more * belt splicing tools * air conditioning tools * many elec. power tools * sockets of all sizes, ¼, 3/8, ½, ¾ drives * hand wrenches * pullers * wood clamps * asst. of brass shaft, and more * ready rod * cabinet of end mills * bolt bin * large bearing selection * new fluids * brass fittings * many new filters * small LP tanks * Aluminum forklift tank * PLUS MUCH MORE
COLLECTIBLES: Misc. JD gas engine parts * brass oilers * hardware nail scale * selection of machinery manuals * Leo gas powered light * Peter Wright 175 lb anvil * 36” and 48” mandrel cones * 4 sets of 8” by 8” train wheels * aluminum airplane prop, 71” * pay phone * magnetos * AC parts cabinet * deer antlers * lots gun books * 8” bell * school clock * Red Coleman lantern in box * 3 rope makers * small bellows * Model T coils * Franklin Mint 1886 Benz Patent Motorwagen, NIB * Rock Island vise, #88, 7”x 22” * PLUS MUCH MORE
FORGING AND FOUNDRY: Many items found in a hobby foundry * Milwaukee molding machine * small blast furnace * Sand cast molds for gas engine parts * foundry boxes * many supplies for foundry *