Household and Collectible Auction

Located At Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa 

Sunday, July 30th, 2023, at Noon

Lunch by Dad's Best Kettle Corn Lunch

COLLECTIBLES:  Golf bag from George Bicknell * presidential buttons * duck pictures * stoneware * Humboldt Creamery pail * Ottosen Coop picture * 2 Humboldt Coca Cola pop crates * Coca Cola Picnic Cooler, cardboard * A+W mugs * lots small advertising * Rutland Fire Dept. shirt * porcelain top table * W. Germany Cuckoo clock * 3 flo blue plates * Czechoslovakian glassware * set of China * Cast iron horse, deer, pig, cat, mailbox banks * Cracker Jack Toys * Humboldt co. fair pins * OVB buttons * clay marbles * crystal glassware * Red Wing Capistrano dishes * 2 sleds * Remington ammo box * buckboard wagon seat, nice * organ stool w/ball feet * other horse items * egg scale * jars * Bode wood box * Chicken figurines * American Fostoria * lighthouses * 20+ Hull Pottery items * Yardstick collection * Dammast Clothing Co. glass sign * tire ashtrays * Schoenhut Piano * metal model cars * ship picture * Hires Rootbeer wood box * plus many more small collectibles *

HOUSEHOLD:  Schuffleboard table * Howard Miller Grandfather clock * Emperor grandfather clock * 6 gun cabinet/ key * Schwinn stationary exercise bike * 42” rd. oak table, leaf, 4 caned seat chairs * 2 matching curio cabinets * many pieces of small furniture * oak dropleaf table * wood rocker and other chairs * 31” flatscreen TV * red leather sofa w/power recliners on ends * 45” rd. oak table, 5 chairs * dropleaf table * coffee table * flattop trunk * dry sink * computer desk * Matching couch and loveseat * hall tree * shelves * cedar chest * dropleaf table and 2 chairs * book shelf * 2 new heaters * 2 matching bar stools * white leather loveseat * couch * 2 patio rockers * roll top desk * corner cupboard * dresser/ mirror * 6 dr. treadle sewing machine * tables * Hats and caps * many boxes of household and kitchen items * vacuum * toys * numerous pictures * 4 wheel walker * lamps * Brother Sewing machine * Serger sewing machine and others * VCR tapes * silverware * xmas items * canning jars * wood chairs *

WALNUT:  6 pieces walnut, live edge, 10’x2’, 2+” thick * 1 piece walnut timber, 4”x12”, 10’ long *

TOOLS, OUTDOORS:  Yardman 5.5 hp, 42” snowblower * Craftsman 6” jointer planer * New reverse osmosis water system * 10’ children’s slide * weed eater * misc tools * new Worx blower/vac * bicycles * Chev. grill guard * Alum. brite tread pick up toolbox * small Weber charcoal grill * 2 wheel cart * hardware and supply * handle tools * redwood picnic table and benches * small shop vac * Turkey fryer * Cast iron shingle cutter *