Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt Iowa

Sunday, January 1st, 2023, at Noon

Dad’s Best Kettle Corn Lunch

Open House Viewing

Viewing will be Saturday, December 31st, from 4pm to 6pm in the evening.

For weather related announcements follow us on Facebook page.

1950s and 60s Lionel, American Flyer, and Marx trains, Mainly O/O27 gauge, 250 Engines, 1000 cars, boxes of track, accessories, all too numerous to list, some have boxes and some don’t * 80-90 Vintage Lionel, American Flyer, Marx box sets, O/O27 *  24 plus Lionel, American Flyer, Marx action cars and more * 250 Lionel O/O27 newer train cars with boxes * 50 K Line cars and engines * 14 modern Lionel train sets in boxes * K line S gauge cars * Vintage G Gauge? Lionel 8E “Super Motor” train set, 2 #337, #338, #332, #212, plus track and switches *

Train Accessories: 75+ transformers of Lionel, American Flyer, Marx, and others, many models, all states of condition * Bridges, tunnels, RR signs and signals, light towers, buildings and structures, water towers, Action pieces, AF elec. billboards, boxes of track * plus much more

Other: 2 Rock Island, 2 CNX lanterns * 2 train signal lights * farm toys * Nylint trucks and semis * train reference books * Totes * Lionel store? display sign board w/ track *

40 plus Gilbert Erector sets, all models and sizes * Few Gilbert chemistry sets

From Collector to Hobbyist, this is a must attend auction of toy trains.

Don Brownlee Estate


                     Auctioneers:  David Hundertmark 515-890-0380   Tom Hundertmark 515-890-0615

Clerks:  Hundertmark Auction Service

Terms:  Cash or good check day of sale.   Not responsible for accidents or theft.   No property removed until settled for.  BE Responsible for Covid 19 precautions.