Estate Minneapolis Moline & Collectible Auction

Located at Hundertmark Auction Building, Hwy 169 N. Humboldt, Iowa

Sunday, July 21st, 2024 at 10 AM

Lunch by Dad's Best Kettle Corn Lunch


KITCHEN PRIMITIVES:  5 egg scales * kitchen primitives * meat grinders, spice grinders * pea podders * toasters * knife sharpeners * dairy centrifuge * slicers * sausage stuffers * apple peelers * kitchen tools of all kinds * butter churn * large wooden Family Knife cleaner and sharpener * plus much more

COLLECTIBLES:  Collection 100 advertising pocketknives * several 100 pens and pencils * tire ash trays * many small items of advertising * Harvestore waste basket * pedal tractor parts * chop saw * Aeromotor wood shipping box * Childs’ sit on sand box scoop shovel * yard sticks * 7up Cans of states * Glass jar minnow trap * Military pictures * metal scooters * Farmers Coop beanpot, Palmer * belt buckle collection * Sno ler sled wagon * plus much more not listed

FARM ITEMS:  Box shellers * burr mill * cow bells * chicken feeders * cast iron floor grate * RCA radio cabinet * Pomeroy Ia Coop Creamery can * Pride Seed corn signs * cream separator * plus much more not listed

Completely Restored WESTERN FLYER men’s bicycle, Very Nice!!!!

TRACTOR ADVERTISING:  Approx. 100 Minneapolis Moline toy tractors * Spirit of MM pedal tractor signed J. Ertl * Implement straw hats * JD tin toolbox * Moline planter lids and plates, plus several other brands lids * lots of farm and tractor literature of all kinds * Minneapolis Moline small collectibles and dealer promotional items of all kinds * AC Franklin Mint WD and Combine * Many boxes and totes full of items to be sorted out.

PLANES, TRAINS:  Model airplane from small to 6’ * Fiberglass 6’ Navy plane mounted on receiver hitch and post for parades * 1/64, 1/32 airplanes * 2 wood propeller * jet nose cone * toy trains * 2 RR signal lights * RR pictures * RR items including lanterns and more